Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible Token) or an nft

Especial Litecoin Summit San Francisco 2018: MamãeCrypto participando do evento e interagindo com os Crypto Masterminds!

O quê posso dizer sobre minha experiência no Primeiro Litecoin Summit San Francisco 2018?

(English Translation Below) Gratidão por ter essa experiencia única e receber o aprendizado direto da fonte de sabedoria! O evento foi pequeno, aconchegante e todos nos tivemos a oportunidade de interagir e discutir temas diretamente com o Charlie Lee, também conhecido como Charlie Satoshi o criador da Litecoin e outras grandes contribuidores do mundo de Cripto Moedas como Elizabeth Stark CEO da  Lightning Labs, Diego Gutiérrez Zaldivar CEO of RSK Labs, Willie Wang Vice presidente da Abra,  Eric Brown CEO da Aliant Payments e muitos outros. 

Charlie Criador Da LiteCoin (LTC)
Elizabeth Stark CEO Lightening Labs
Brincadeiras Com Charlie
MamãeCrypto com o CoinDaddy KKK
 No outro dia de manha meio acabada... KKK
Mas com Charlie Satoshi!

Meu objeto no evento foi aprender o máximo possível sobre toda tecnologia e toda a cultura por trás desse movimento, para poder disseminar essa informação em português de uma maneira simplificada e atualizada com o objetivo de ajudar o movimento de adoção em massa. No evento eu confirmei a minha perspectiva de que os benefícios de uma economia descentralizada são simplesmente infinitos, e como eu ja faço parte dessa economia eu consigo enxergar um futuro no qual cada um poderemos ter uma independência financeira fora de um sistema falido que estamos vivenciando no atual sistema financeiro mundial.

Além de aprender sobre a tecnologia e todas as novidades que estão por vir e que vão facilitar a implementação da tecnologia blockchain em varias industrias, eu também decidi contribuir com a adoção em massa. Hoje estarei implementando pagamentos em cripto moeda com a parceria da Aliant payment na empresa do meu marido, Travertinemarket.com e em alguns dias estaremos oferecendo a opção de pagamentos em Litecoin, Bitcoin e outras cripto moedas. Olha que bacana!

Bom, O mais legal de tudo e que durante o evento eu fiz muitos, mais muitos vídeos bacanas para vocês. Gravei grande parte do evento e com a permissão da LiteCoin Foundation eu vou colocar esses vídeos excluisivos no Canal MamãeCrypto e vou traduzir o conteúdo para vocês para português para vocês poderem absorver o máximo de informação possível! O evento foi fantástico e para quem entende inglês você pode assisti-lo completo no site da Litecoin.com.

Vou continuar seguindo essa missão e espero que vocês também contribuam e ajudem a disseminar todo esse material! Vamos que vamos. 

What can I say about my experience at the First Litecoin Summit in San Francisco 2018?

Gratitude for having this unique experience and to be able to learn directly from the source of wisdom! The event was small, cozy and we all had the opportunity to interact and discuss crypto and blockchain related themes with Charlie Lee, also known as Charlie Satoshi the creator of Litecoin and other major contributors to the Crypto realm  such as Elizabeth Stark CEO of Lightning Labs, Diego Gutiérrez Zaldivar CEO of RSK Labs, Willie Wang Vice President of Abra, Eric Brown CEO of Aliant Payments and many others.
Charlie Creator Of LiteCoin (LTC)
Elizabeth Stark CEO Lightening Labs
Playing With Charlie
MommyCrypto with CoinDaddy KKK
The next day a little hung over... But with Charlie Satoshi!
My goal in the event was to learn as much as possible about all the technology and the whole culture behind this movement, in order to be able to disseminate this information in Portuguese in a simplified and updated way and help the mass adoption movement. In the event, I confirmed my point of view. I believe the benefits of a decentralized economy are simply infinite, and since I am already part of that economy, I can see a future in which we can all achieve financial independence outside of a bankrupted economy we are experiencing in the current financial system today.

In addition to learning about technology and all the new applications that will facilitate the implementation of blockchain technology in various industries, I also decided to contribute to mass adoption. Today I will be implementing payments in crypto currency with the partnership of Aliant payment in my husband's company, Travertinemarket.com. And in a few days we will be offering the option Litecoin, Bitcoin and other crypto currencies as payment. How cool is that?

Well, the best of all is that during the event I did many, many more great recordings for you. I recorded a great part of the event and with the permission of the LiteCoin Foundation I will place these exclusive videos on my Youtube Channel MamãeCrypto and I will translate the content for you to Portuguese so that you can absorb as much information as possible! The event was fantastic and for those who understand English you can watch it complete on the Litecoin.com website.

I will continue to follow this mission and I hope that you also contribute and help disseminate all this material! Let's continue with the crypto revolution. It is not all about Lambos you guys it is truly about changing this world!

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